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The issuance of Soparfi shares is decided among the shareholders. Registered shares may be issued immediately upon successful formation of a Luxembourg Soparfi.

What the share capital to set up a Luxembourg holding company ?

The share capital of a Soparfi is divided into shares all having equal nominal value, which can be categorized into different share classes and expressed in Euro or any other currency. The converted amount in Euros should equal to the set minimum share capital of EUR 31, 000 for and S.A. and S.C.A., and EUR 12,500 for an S.a.r.l.

Damalion experts help you setup your Luxembourg holding and finance company in the state of the art, for wealth management and asset protection.

This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax or legal advice. We suggest that you discuss your specific situation with a qualified tax or legal advisor.