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For most businesses, growth is the primary objective. Depending on the type of business, growing a business comprises many tasks that must be implemented successfully. 

With that in mind, business decisions are often created based on what would contribute to the company’s continued growth and general success. There are several strategies that can promote growth, some of which are explained below. 

Accept to lose some clients 

Most professional service providers have clients who take up too much of their time but don’t represent sufficient revenue to put up with the trouble. And when you have a terrible client on your hands, they steal your best time and energy, making it hard to focus elsewhere. 

So what should you do with this type of client? End your business relationship with them professionally. 

Let these clients go and concentrate on replacing them with good clients that value your work and appreciate your effort. 

Retain top clients 

Keeping the clients you want to work with is important to growing a service-based business. If you’re frequently losing or replacing clients, you can get stuck in a disastrous cycle. And that cycle can wreak havoc on your cash flow and your plan. So stay top of mind with the clients you want to work with at all times, and you’ll reap the rewards. 

Develop a standard operating procedure 

Standard operating procedures (SOP) give the policies, processes, and criteria needed for an organization to succeed. 

If you spend all your time on tiresome to-do’s, or if you enforce a new process every time you need to get something done, you’ll never have time to work on the essential strategies that grow your business. 

So creating an SOP for repetitive tasks can help shave the dead weight from these activities, and make your business more productive. 

Project your revenue for the next couple of years. 

Doing a profit projection exercise can give you loads of information about how you should be operating your business. It will also help you comprehend how you can put resources in place to hit your growth targets, without over-investing. 

Initiate Internal growth 

The internal growth strategy seeks to optimize internal business processes to boost revenue. This strategy depends on companies using their own internal resources. Internal growth strategy is all about utilizing existing resources in the most purposeful way possible. 

For example, commit to mending the thing you like least about your business in Q1 of the following year. As we know, you can’t build a decent business without devoting any time to your internal processes and structure. So assigning and completing quarterly business developments allows your business to run more efficiently, take on more clients, and increase profit margins. 

Free up your time 

One of the fastest ways to free-up time to work on your business is to clear unwanted and needless commitments from your schedule. 

Look over your schedule and highlight any activity that you can’t remove from your schedule without hurting your business. Once you’ve pointed out the high-priority activities on your agenda, look for any activity on your schedule that won’t participate in making your business more profitable or productive, and cancel them. 

Finally, look for activities on your schedule that can be combined, and batch them together so that you can move easily from one activity to the next. 

Build relationships with other service-based business owners 

Creating relationships with other service-based business owners can be valuable to your growth

To build your mastermind network, find at least one other similar-sized business owner you can relate with, in a favorable niche, and start sharing ideas. Talk with the owner of the business and share the number one business development tactic that worked best for you in the past year. 

Strategic growth 

Strategic growth comprises developing initiatives that will help your business grow long-term. For example, Commit to learning to think and act like a CEO for your business. If you want to become more productive, scale your work, increase your income, and improve your business, you have to think and act like a CEO. 

A growth strategy is more than a marketing strategy, it’s an important aspect of your business. Without one, you’re at the mercy of an unstable consumer base and market instabilities. So take the time to build one. 

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