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Why Luxembourg?

What we do for you?

For your setup of investment funds, Damalion may be mandated by your care to identify the right professionals of the financial sectors (PSF) in Luxembourg. 

Who are the best?

Luxembourg is a source of various top-notch accredited professionals of the financial sector (PSF) who may advise you and support your fund lifecycle in the state of the art.

Damalion experts focus on the risk spread among the chain of liabilities and services to avoid a cascade of problems that may take time to fix.

Being directly in touch with the professional of the financial sector (PSF) who will know your field, understand your level of communication and reporting requirements will defintely help you have confidence in your fund operations and management.

Why an independent expert?

Damalion acts :

  • with neutral attitude
  • without conflict of interest : we do not receive any commission from partners in compliance with your specific instructions
  • within a given time frame so you master the cost of the expert support.

Incorporate your Luxembourg structure