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Gibraltar Company Formation


Type of Entity: Non-Resident Company
Type of law: English Common Law with local statues
Shelf company availability: Yes
Incorporation time frame: 5 – 8 business days
Minimum Government fees: GBP 200
Regular Corporate Income Tax: None
Double Tax Treaty access: Yes with UK
Minimum issued share capital : GBP 1 (the standard share capital is GBP 2,000)
Minimum paid up share capital on incorporation: GBP 1
Minimum number of Shareholders required: One
Bearer Shares: Yes
Nominee Shareholders Permitted: Yes
Minimum number of directors: One
Corporate directors permitted: Yes
Local directors required: No
Local meeting required : No
Company secretary required : Yes (must be a resident secretary in Gibraltar)
General Meetings of Shareholders: Yes, can be held by telephone or any other electronic means of communication providing that all participants can clearly hear each other, and can be held anywhere in the world
Local Registered office required: Yes
Tax residence to benefit from Tax Treaty network: Yes, in respect of Parent-Subsidiary Directive
Exchange Control: No
Disclosure of beneficial owner to Company Registrar: Yes,( disclosed to the Corporate Registry)
Government register of directors: Yes, (details are held on the public record)
Annual return: Yes
Submission of accounts: Minimum Abridged Balance Sheet for small companies; Medium and large companies require audit and full filing
Audit: Yes
Change of domicile Permitted Yes

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