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Being the largest investment fund hub in Europe, Luxembourg provides a wide range of investment fund structures either regulated or unregulated, capable of accommodating all sorts of demands from fund sponsors as well as investors’ needs. 

Luxembourg unregulated Funds 

Unregulated investment vehicles are primarily governed by the law of 10 August 1915 on commercial companies (the Company Law). 

An unregulated vehicle qualifies as an AIF (alternative investment fund) if its activities fall within the spectrum of the AIFM Law and if no exemption is available. 

Unregulated vehicles are useful for private equity, venture capital, infrastructure, and real estate investment structuring, as well as for holding and financing activity

Features of Luxembourg’s unregulated funds 

Legal form 

Luxembourg’s unregulated funds take generally either the form of a RAIF (reserved alternative investment fund) or of an unregulated limited partnership:

Luxembourg’s unregulated funds can be open or closed-ended but cannot be established as an umbrella fund.

The major difference between the SCS and the SCSp is the legal personality. SCS is a legal entity, while SCSp does not include separate legal personalities different from its partners. 

When choosing the most applicable vehicle, the choice will be influenced by a range of characteristics including the type of funding to be raised, the investors’ specifics, tax considerations, and the type of investments. 


The SCS and the SCSp, permit more flexibility regarding capital variations as there are no minimum or maximum capital requirements for them. 


An unregulated fund is not subject to the authorization of the Luxembourg Financial Market Authority (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier or CSSF)

Investment restrictions 

An unregulated fund may invest in any asset class and according to any investment policy or strategy. 


An unregulated fund qualifying as AIFs and not profiting from an exemption included in the AIFM Law must appoint an AIFM. 

AIFMs may market an unregulated fund to investors within the European Union through a regulator-to-regulator notification regime if the unregulated fund qualifies as an AIF. Additionally, there are no restrictions pertaining to suitable investors. 

Tax Regime 

The tax rule related to Luxembourg AIFs depends both on the legal form of the fund and whether it is subject to a specific law or not.

Although the management of an investment fund can be delegated to a specialized investment company, the investors must know the particular laws and regulations pertaining to the set-up and functioning of an investment vehicle.

To explore the best investment options for your needs (even for a securitization vehicle), let’s go ahead and contact your Damalion experts today.